St John’s schedules a Service of Confirmation each year, and often twice in the year, pending availability of the Bishop. Expressions of interest can be taken at any time by the parish office. Candidates must have been baptised, or may be baptised and confirmed at the same time. Although the majority of confirmees are aged 12-16 years, adults are also welcomed. Preparation is conducted at the church for at least three weeks, usually from 4pm on a week night. Adult confirmees are prepared seperately.
Pictured right – Bishop Paul White, with St John’s ministers Archdeacon Bradly Billings and Philippa Lohmeyer-Collins, and father and son Ian Robertson and James Robertson, who were both confirmed by Bishop White at St John’s on Sunday 3rd April 2011.
In confirmation those who have been previously baptised come to confirm their baptismal promises and join with the other candidates to receive the laying on of the bishop’s hand with prayer… All who have been baptised and confirmed are called to study the Bible, to take part in the life of the Church, to share in the Holy Communion, and to pray faithfully and regularly. We are called to share with others, by word and example, the love of Christ and his gospel of reconciliation and hope. We are called to love our neighbours as ourselves, to honour all people and to pray and work for peace and justice.
from A Prayer Book for Australia 1995.