(03) 9826 1434

Current Notices


Choir on Holiday in July
Some of you may have noticed that we do not have our usual choir at the 10am service. This is because they are on a mid-year break. The choir will be back in full voice on Sunday 4 August.

New Warden and New Member of Parish Council
I have this week appointed Jason Pennell as Vicar’s Warden and John Horan as a new member of Parish Council. Members may recall that my former Warden Viv Randall resigned due to an overseas move and earlier this year Dougal Colhoun, also appointed by me to Council, resigned upon moving to Sydney.
The Vicar

Saturday 10 August, 10.30am-12.30pm 
‘Understanding the Experience of Grief and Loss’
The Revd Dr Wendy Crouch will present on the many meanings of loss including bereavement. At the conclusion of the seminar there will be a short service of reflection focusing on lament, light, and healing. Please invite those whom you think might be interested. Resources will be provided. Contact the St. John’s Parish Office (9826 1765 or enquiries@saintjohnstoorak.org) to register your interest or complete the form here.

25 August
Vocations Sunday
Sunday 25 August is a day when our Diocese encourages members of our churches to consider if God is calling them to the ordained orders of the church, as deacons and/or priests. In marking this day and committing this Sunday to be a focus on vocation, I hope members of St. John’s will reflect on their individual call as baptised Christians, and, potentially as ordained members of the church. If you would like to explore this further, please contact any member of the clergy.

 Friday 30 August, 7.30pm-9.00pm
A St John’s Soiree: St Hildegard of Bingen
Come for drinks and nibbles and a presentation on St Hildegard by Revd Dr Wendy Crouch. Describing herself as a “feather on the breath of God”, Hildegard was a highly complex and gifted person with a prophetic voice, whose many works in theology, music, visual art, poetry and drama are still inspiring people today. We will listen to her life story and also reflect on some of her poetry and beautiful music. There is much we can learn from her today. Tickets will be $20 which can be paid at the door or contact the St. John’s Parish Office to pay beforehand (9826 1765 or enquiries@saintjohnstoorak.org). You can register your interest here. Please invite friends and family for this unique event.

Sunday 13 October, 10am
Service of Baptism, Confirmation & Reception
Our annual service of Baptism, Confirmation and Reception will be held on Sunday 13 October at 10am with our Bishop Genieve Blackwell. Classes in preparation for this will begin in August. If you are interested in taking one of these significant steps in your faith journey, please contact the Parish Office or speak to a member of clergy.

Food for Friends Appeal
Ted and I did a shop for St Mark’s Fitzroy spending $1191.40. The amount of food we got is about ⅔ of what we got for that spend in the past. Yet the number of people requiring assistance is growing. St Mark’s were overwhelmed with gratitude for the generosity of the people of Toorak who have donated money. The Food for Friends Appeal remains open now throughout the year so if you haven’t already given, please consider a donation. (These are not tax-deductible and receipts are not issued.) The banking details are;
Account name: Toorak Ecumenical Fund | BSB: 063 177 | Account No: 10026147
Once again, many thanks to everyone who supports this very needy appeal.
Brenda Mouritz

Covid Safety
Victoria is currently experiencing an increase in COVID-19 activity in the community. If you feel unwell, don’t forget to complete a Covid test, stay home to reduce the spread and wear a mask if you need to go out.